Ethio - Italian Business Forum and B2B held in Milan

The Ethiopian Chamber of Sectoral Association in collaboration with the Ethiopian Embassy in Italy organized a business forum and business-to-business meeting in Milan, Italy on March 13, 2018. Present in the forum were 20 Ethiopian, and 26 Italian companies took part in the event. Speaking on the occasion Woizero Zenebu Tadesse, Ambassador of Ethiopia to Italy said that Ethiopia is investing a great deal of wealth in infrastructure and has put in place various kinds of incentives in order to attract foreign investment. There are industrial parks built and ready for use, and those under construction can be made use of by Italian investors for immediate production that can make them profitable in a rather short period of time. Board member of the Ethiopian Chamber of Sectoral Associations, Ato Bitew Alemu made presentation on alternative investment opportunities in Ethiopia that are potential areas for Italian investors to engage into. Mr.Ruguero Origo, Coppi Industry of Africa Council Vice President said on his part that there is a growing interest shown by Italian investors to invest in Ethiopia. He added that the council would support such initiatives of investing in Ethiopia. Alongside the business forum was held business-to-business meeting between Italian companies and their Ethiopian counterparts. Companies engaged in pharmaceuticals, agro-processing and construction were among the ones taking part in the business-to-business meeting. Please click here follow the link for EBC Business News.

The First National Industrial E-Directory Launched

Launching Cermony

In its efforts of modernizing business information exchange, the Ethiopian Chamber of Sectorial Associations has launched the first National Industrial E-Directory for the international business community.

Launching Cermony

The e-directory was developed with the aim of promoting business partnerships here and abroad by availing basic business information of the industrial sector in Ethiopia to all users. In this age of information the speed with which information is made available determines the pace with which a country develops.

Launching Cermony

Cognizant of this, the Ethiopian Chamber of Sectoral Associations with financial assistance from the Ethiopian Competitiveness Facility hired CAVALINK EVENT AND IT SOLUTION PLC to develop the e-directory based on agreed specifications. The company delivered the tested product and introduced it to stakeholders in a launching ceremony held at Magnolia Hotel and Conference Center on March 29, 2018.

Launching Cermony

Unlike printed directories we know, this product allows new member data entries, updating existing data, and a range of advertisement options for companies to display their products to the international viewership. The electronic industrial directory is a mobile application downloadable from ECSA’s website Download from Here found under Publications as Industrial directory). In addition, it would be available in play store to be downloaded by users directly.

Launching Cermony

Launching Cermony

It is with utmost pleasure to invite all members to enjoy this great opportunity our chamber has to offer to connect you rather very easily to the world of business.

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Ethio-South Korea Business Forum - November 27/2017 .

Australasian-African Chamber of Commerce on November 08-12, 2017.

The Ethiopian Chamber of Sectoral Association in collaboration with the Australasian-African Chamber of Commerce, and supported by the FDRE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Australian Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopian Embassy in Canberra organized a business forum in Melbourne, Australia in November 08-12, 2017.

The delegation consisted of 16 business men led by H.E. Ato. Bogale Feleke, State Minister for the Ministry of Industry hold an open remarks for participants of the forum.

13th-15th Sep 2017 conferences in Guangdong.

MIE Group was headquartered in Dubai and established in 1999. They are a professional exhibition, trading and consulting organization with 16 years' of extensive experience in holding a variety of exhibitions, aiming to build an interactive bridge for trade and cultural communication between China and MENA. For more information, please refer to the official website (。

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Welcome to Ethiopian Chamber of Sectoral Associations

The Ethiopian Chamber of Sectoral Associations (ECSAs) which is the apex body of manufacturing and/ or sector related chamber in Ethiopia, was established in 2007 by virtue of power of proclamation number 341/2003 as a national umbrella chamber.

It is the single most and largest Industrial sector promotion and legal representative of private manufacturing sector in Ethiopia. It is an autonomous, nonprofit, and membership based organization mandated to prop up the nation’s manufacturing sector to the rest of the world and encourage industrial investment in Ethiopia.

  Contact Details

Address: Chamber Of Commerce & Sectoral Associations Building, 6th Floor, 603 - 612 Mexico Road.

Phone: +251 115 520134/ 520135 / 542144 / 520134 /520076 / 118 505025

Fax:+251 115 520046

P.O.Box: 42735, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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Ethiopian Industrial E-Directory is Launched