Objectives of ECSA

Sectorial Associations to be established at different levels shall have the following objectives:
To create conductive environment for produces to be organized and strengthened;

To encourage urban and rural produces of handicrafts

To provide necessary support to upgrade the quality of products

To disseminate and compile information on products;

To encourage the participation of members in the economy by coordinating their knowledge, wealth and labour;

To create conducive environment for members to safeguard their common interest;

To create conducive environment for sectorial associations to conduct discuss with the government on different issues

Ethiopian chamber of Sectorial Associations (ECSAs) shall have the following powers and duties;

To coordinate the activities of regional Sectorial Associations,

To conduct studies on problems affecting producers and propose solutions in consultation with the concerned organ of the Federal Government

To organize or participate in local or foreign exhibitions upon obtaining license from the concerned organ,

To consult each other on the possibility of enhancing their common production and marketing capacity and implement the same

To settle disputes that arise between members; by way of arbitration, when the parties so request;

To prepare production gazettes, bulletins, reports; and disseminating technology and market information to their members;

To provide different training to their members;

To create awareness among members on government policies; proclamations; regulations and directives; and participate at discussion forums prepared by the government;

To determine contributions to be made by members;

To charge fees for the services it provides;

To own property; enter into contracts, sue and be sued in its own name;

To perform such other duties deemed necessary for the attainment of its objective.

  Contact Details

Address: Chamber Of Commerce & Sectoral Associations Building, 6th Floor, 603 - 612 Mexico Road.

Phone: +251 115 520134/ 520135 / 542144 / 520134 /520076 / 118 505025

Mobile:+251 911 450912

Fax:+251 115 520046

P.O.Box: 42735, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Email: info@ethiocsa.net ethiopiancsa@ethionet.et

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