Advocacy & Research

The manufacturing sector in Ethiopia is in its infant stage. Along with it manufacturers face deferent challenges of internal and external nature. Therefore, Advocacy is a top priority for the ECSA, to lobby the decision makers at government level, to express the sectors view regarding regulatory issues working with the government to bring about favorable trade and industry environment. ECSA also addresses legislation and policy issues that can positively or negatively impact respective sector interests.

Accordingly, ECSA identifies issues affecting the manufacturing sector starting from small manufacturing firms to large scale industry zone establishments, and advocate a speedy resolution of issues of higher importance. The sectoral Associations also works hand in glove with the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) in a common plat form called Public-Private Partnership Dialogue Forum (PPPDF) to create conducive investment climate that enables the private sector to thrive, find lasting solutions for constraints relating to business regulations and foster strong partnership and mutual trust between business and government.










  Contact Details

Address: Chamber Of Commerce & Sectoral Associations Building, 6th Floor, 603 - 612 Mexico Road.

Phone: +251 115 520134/ 520135 / 542144 / 520134 /520076 / 118 505025

Mobile:+251 911 450912

Fax:+251 115 520046

P.O.Box: 42735, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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