Industry-University Linkage

Industry-university linkage program is a unique service provided by the sectoral Associations in close cooperation with ministry of education and ministry of science and technology. The program is designed to pave the way for creating a system for university graduates to produce problem solving research out puts so as their contributions can be practically absorbed by the industry sector. In relation with this the program intends to crate internship program for graduates, technology commercialization, and transfer of skills and knowledge to the manufacturing sector.

From the perspective of long term and prolonged partnership, ECSAs is working with concerned stakeholders to ensure sustainability of finance for university research activities in a bid to produce high level and quality researches that is required by the industry and serve as a model for scientific and technological development.











  Contact Details

Address: Chamber Of Commerce & Sectoral Associations Building, 6th Floor, 603 - 612 Mexico Road.

Phone: +251 115 520134/ 520135 / 542144 / 520134 /520076 / 118 505025

Mobile:+251 911 450912

Fax:+251 115 520046

P.O.Box: 42735, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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