Platinum Sponsor

The company will be acknowledged as PLATINUM SPONSOR on major newspaper.

18 M2  of exposition space shall be provided within the exhibition venue.

Inside full page advertisement space will be provided on the special magazine published in
relation with the event.

The company shall be acknowledged as PLATINUM SPONSOR during the road show
promotion of the event.

The sponsor shall be allowed to promote its products and services on the entertainment
program at three various episodes each day.

The company logo shall appear on the front cover page of the special magazine published in
relation with the event.

The logo of the PLATINUM SPONSOR shall appear on invitation cards to be prepared for
the opening & closing ceremony of the Trade Fair.

The logo of the SPONSOR shall appear on the Banners to be hanged in the city.

Sponsorship fee: Birr 150,000.00/USD 7500.00

Gold Sponsor

The company will be acknowledged as GOLD SPONSOR on major newspapers.

15 M2  of exposition space shall be provided within the exhibition venue.

Half page advertisement space will be provided on the special magazine published in relation
with the event.

The company shall be acknowledged as GOLD SPONSOR during the road show promotion
of the event.

The company shall be allowed to promote its products and services on the entertainment
program at two various episodes each day.

The company logo shall appear on the front cover page of the special magazine published in
relation with the event.

The logo of the SPONSOR shall appear on invitation cards to be prepared for the opening &
closing ceremony of the Trade Fair.

The logo of the SPONSOR shall appear on the Banners to be hanged in the city.

Sponsorship fee: Birr 100,000.00/USD 5000.00

Silver Sponsor

  The company will be acknowledged as SILVER SPONSOR on major newspapers.

  The company shall be allowed to promote its products and services on the entertainment program.

  12 M2 of exposition space shall be provided within the exhibition venue.

  The sponsor shall be allowed to promote its products and services on the entertainment
program at one episode each day

  The company logo shall appear on the front cover page of the special magazine published in
relation with the event.

  The logo of the SILVER SPONSOR shall appear on invitation cards to be prepared for the
opening & closing ceremony of the Trade Fair.

  The logo of the SPONSOR shall appear on the Banners to be hanged in the city.

Sponsorship fee: Birr 70,000.00/USD 3500.00

  Contact Details

Address: Chamber Of Commerce & Sectoral Associations Building, 6th Floor, 603 - 612 Mexico Road.

Phone: +251 115 520134/ 520135 / 542144 / 520134 /520076 / 118 505025

Mobile:+251 911 450912

Fax:+251 115 520046

P.O.Box: 42735, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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